Type 4 Hair Representation in the Natural Hair Community

Recently I did a poll on my Instagram stories asking “do you feel you see a fair representation of 4C hair on social media?”. Here were the results.

Be sure your following me on Instagram @HonestHairDiary !

This interested me a lot, it being split right down the middle. I got someone who asked what was type 4 hair, and I found that funny because nowadays no one believes in hair typing. Everyone just wants healthy hair which is the ultimate goals, but I think hair typing is helpful. It should be helpful and not divisive. But that’s another story for another day. Anyway Alicia from cubiclesandcurls.com  messaged me and noted “Its so easy to find what you want to see on here though. Like if you aren’t seeing what you want to see, its your fault for not following the right accounts.” and that resonated with me SO much because its true!

You can also apply this to negativity and messiness on your social media. Do you feel negative every time you go on social media? What are you following that Is giving you that vibe? Unfollow it. Cleanse your timeline! I encourage you to make this difference in your social media experience today, right now

The gist of this statement kept showing on my social media , basically you control most of what you ingest digitally. So yes, I’m calling YOU OUT. It’s partially your fault. If you are not seeing women with type 4A-C hair and their pages documenting their natural hair journey that is your fault because they/we are out there.  I once asked again on Instagram if it was wrong of me to now follow girls with super curly hair (type 3), and I got a strong no which I was happy about! All hair is beautiful but I’m not going to follow much of what I can’t relate to!

They may not be always featured on the big natural hair pages but there are so many great women with beautiful HEALTHY curls and creative styles that have type 4 hair. Of course compared to mainstream media it will never be enough but instead of complaining take the time to look and support these ladies! The change you want to see starts with you.

PLEASE drop favorite Influencers, Instrgammers, and Youtubers that have type 4 hair! Put me and someone else in the comments!

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12 thoughts on “Type 4 Hair Representation in the Natural Hair Community

  1. Wow, 50/50 interesting results. I don’t get much into hair typing because many of us have more than just one type. I figure I’m majority 4c but in certain areas, I’m not completely sure. And then you have those comments on YouTube or IG pics telling someone they aren’t 4c because the hair has a curl or it looks good. It’s almost like some people think if your natural hair looks nice or curls it can’t possibly be 4c which is a shame. I do agree that it starts with self. Follow/support more 4c girls even if you don’t see as many and that will encourage more to be confident with their beautiful kinks. I feel like representation on tv and commercials can improve more though and it definitely has lately, maybe a slow start but it’s a step.

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  2. I think its wrong to think one type is better or worse than another but it is also useful to know what you are. Right along with porosity levels because that info helps you maintain and keep health. But I do feel like there are some people who think much looser curl patterns are 4c and that kind of annoys me and my fellow 4c family members. Either way I love allllll patterns and I love anyone who can give me the scoop on how to handle my sometimes unruly hair. 🙂

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  3. I definitely agree. For a long time, I was wondering why my hair didn’t turn like other girls with loose textured hair when I was using the same products. I didn’t understand my hair and what it needed or what it could & could not do. But when I found out my hair type and started looking specifically for type 4 hair gurua and hair products, it really helped. Chizi duru, jaleesa moses, joi wade, roothie patootie, tanieya, lavishlybritt, tomiwa rodia, and j mayo are who I mainly watch on YT for hair videos.

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  4. Nice and interesting topic to talk about. Am a type 4c and I have to say I don’t see much of type 4c pictures as often as other hair types,but its soothing to know that we are actually present,doing what we do and representing as much as we can. apart from myself @afrolified,I know of @naturalizabeth,@limitlessbloom,@chiziduru,@_cavell,@curlsbytash just to mention but a few.❤️❤️

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